Public Services
Adopt-A-Park / Trail / Preserve Agreement The Adopt-a-Park / Trail / Preserve program provides a fun opportunity for individuals, volunteer groups, neighborhood associations, and businesses to take an active role…
Animal Control
The Town contracts with Tompkins County Animal Control for dog control services. If you see a lost dog or have an issue with an aggressive dog or incessant barking, they…
An apostille is a County and New York State certified copy of a record. In our office, the record commonly requested is your marriage certificate, called a transcript, or your…
Brush Collection & Drop-Off
The Town of Ithaca Public Works Department picks up yard waste (brush, leaves, garden waste, pine needles, ornamental grass, grass clippings, etc.) in mid-April and in mid-October. Please refer to the…
Building Permits
A building permit is required for most residential and commercial construction projects. Section 125-5 of the Town Code has a list of exempted work. A general permit application can be…
Development Review / Planning Board
SITE PLANsubdivisionrezonespecial permit SITE PLAN Printable version available here. Site Plan Resources subdivision Printable version available here. Subdivision Resources rezone Zoning is the basic means of land use regulation. It…
Dog Licensing
Dogs must be licensed in the municipality in which they live. You have the option of licensing your dog for 1, 2, or 3 years, not to exceed the expiration…
Domestic Partnerships
A Domestic Partnership Registry confers no legal benefits. It is a mechanism to declare yourselves to be in a committed, loving, and supportive relationship. You will receive a Certificate of…
Fire Safety Inspections
Fire safety inspections in the Town of Ithaca are essential evaluations aimed at ensuring the safety of buildings, businesses, and residences in the area. These inspections are conducted to verify…
FOIL Requests
FOIL Requests - Freedom of Information Law The Town is very open and transparent, and an official form is not necessary, but it is helpful sometimes. The Town Clerk is…
Free Mulch & Compost
The Town's Public Works Facility offers shredded wood mulch and compost free of charge to Town of Ithaca residents. These services are not available to contractors or City of Ithaca…
Frequently asked questions
Taxes Where do property taxes get paid? Town and County taxes are payable to the Town of Ithaca. In-Person: Town Clerk’s Office, 215 N. Tioga St, corner of N. Tioga and…
Guides and forms
Guides and forms will be available for download soon. Checklists / worksheets Early concept review Neighborhood design Regulating plan application requirements Subdivision design Subdivision application requirements Buildings and site improvements…
Handicap Parking Permit
Permits are issued from the municipality (Town or City) in which you live, not the DMV. Parking permits are prescribed by your physician. There is a NYS form or your…
Holiday Tree Pickup
The Town of Ithaca Public Works Department will begin picking up discarded holiday trees on the first business day after Christmas and will continue through mid-January.
Leaf Collection & Drop-Off
The Town of Ithaca Public Works Department picks up yard waste (brush, leaves, garden waste, pine needles, ornamental grass, grass clippings, etc.) in mid-April and in mid-October. Please refer to…
Marriage Licenses and Related
Couples must apply for a marriage license at least 24 hours in advance of the ceremony. Both parties of the marriage must come in person to the office and both…
New Neighborhood Code
What's the New Neighborhood Code? The Town Board adopted the New Neighborhood Code in November 2020. The 2014 Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan envisions compact, walkable mixed-use neighborhoods in emerging…
Noise Permit
The Town adopted a Noise Ordinance to address complaints regarding unusual or unreasonably loud noise. The law includes a process to apply for a Noise Permit if you believe you…
Operating Permits
Certain types of occupancies in the Town require an Operating Permit. These fall into two categories, Residential and Non-Residential. Residential Operating Permits are issued for: Multiple Residences with 3 or…
Park Use Permits
Park / Trail Permit Application A Park/Trail Permit is required in the Town of Ithaca for a picnic or other event by a group or organization of more than five…
Parks & Trails Reservation
The Town has many parks and trails for your fun and exercise. A few of our parks have pavilions and can be reserved for parties. Please go to our Parks…
Pay Tax | Water | Sewer Bills
Pictures from the Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ’ and Deyodi:ho:nǫˀ People and Tutelo Park Event
Event Pictures “The Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ' and Deyodi:ho:nǫˀ People and Tutelo Park” -Adding layers of meaning to the land now named Tutelo Park-
Property Complaints
To file a formal complaint regarding a possible code/zoning violation, please use the complaint form within ViewPoint. ViewPoint
Room Use
The Town has meeting rooms available for use for small groups after hours. There is an application process and certain requirements, the most important being that no admission can be charged or sales conducted and all uses must be open to the public.
If you would like, you can go to our Resident Portal to create an account and submit a Room Use Application.
Tompkins Green Energy Network
City and Town of Ithaca Public Statement Having adopted some of New York’s leading municipal energy transition and climate action goals, the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca…
Town & County Taxes
Debby Kelley was appointed the Receiver of Taxes in 2000. Town and County Tax Bills are mailed by the last business day of December. State Law Stipulates that property…
Town Demographics & Facts
Brief History The Town of Ithaca is located on the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Gayogohó:nǫˀ (Cayuga Nation). The Gayogohó:nǫˀ are one of the Six Nations of Hodinǫhsǫ́:nih (Haudenosaunee…
Town Reports, Studies & Land Use Guidance Documents
Linked to our Records Repository
The Town of Ithaca has a mission to foster a transportation system that enhances quality of life and envisions a multi-modal transportation network. The Town has over 20 public transportation…
Water & Sewer
Billing Water and Sewer bills are mailed March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, and December 1st and due by the 30th of that month without penalty. After the 30th a ten…
West Hill Community Garden Signup
The Garden is located off Route 89, Mecklenburg Rd at the Conifer Village/Linderman Creek Apartments within a portion of the Town’s undeveloped West Hill Park Access to the garden is…
Youth Programs
The Town of Ithaca joins with other municipalities and Tompkins County in providing Youth Development Services and Training Programs including: Job Training, Apprenticeships, Sports, Arts & Crafts Camps, and other…
Zoning Variance & Appeal
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a quasi-judicial board that is charged with the responsibility to consider requests for variances and/or special approvals that are a deviation from the…