Public Notices & Announcements
Notice of Public Hearings
Town Board – July 8th at 215 N Tioga St and via ZOOM platform, at 5:30 p.m.
ADOPTED 1. Adoption of a revised Official Town Map, and
Proposed local laws amending the Town of Ithaca Code,
ADOPTED 2. Chapter 1, “General Provisions” to update processes, and
ADOPTED 3. Chapter 36 “Ethics” to update processes and remove restrictions on political party affiliation when practicable, and
Rescheduled to August 12th 4. Chapter 270, Zoning, to add electric vehicle charging station provisions and definitions, and
ADOPTED 5. Chapter 270, Zoning, to amend Accessory Dwelling Units provisions and definition
The draft of the item(s) and links to the meeting are available on the Town’s website: and comments can be submitted in person or via Zoom during the meeting or via email to prior to the meeting.
Paulette Rosa