Public Works
The Town of Ithaca Public Works Department functions as a public steward providing snow removal, paving, yard waste collection, vegetation control, storm water management, parks/trails maintenance, water/sewer maintenance, and road maintenance services. The Public Works Department also assists the Town Board and other departments with projects to be completed within the Town. The Public Works Department strives to make the Town of Ithaca a very pleasant, worthwhile town to live in.
No, you must contract with a local hauler. The Town is not legally allowed to list or recommend a specific hauler. Tompkins County Solid Waste can answer any other questions you may have. (607) 273-6632.
Mailboxes shall be installed according to United States Postal Service guidelines. The distance from the edge of pavement to the front of the mailbox shall be 6” to 12” with a 43” clearance to the bottom of the mailbox or structure support arm.
Property owners assume the responsibility of proper placement and ensuring the wooden, metal or plastic post and arm are free from rot, breakage or deterioration and are in a structurally sound condition.
If a mailbox that is properly installed and initially in good repair is damaged by a Town vehicle/equipment, the Town will replace or repair it upon timely notification being given to the Public Works Department. Repairs requiring a new mailbox will be made using a standard aluminum mailbox. Mailboxes that have been knocked down due to a deteriorated condition, repairs/replacement will be the responsibility of the property owner.
Newspaper boxes should follow the same requirements for mailboxes and should not be placed under the mailbox due to the clearance requirements.

That depends on who owns your road. The Town of Ithaca owns certain “local” roads within its boundaries. Tompkins County owns 15 roads and New York State owns 8 roads within the town. County and State roads are considered thoroughfares—roads that go through the Town of Ithaca into another town. Examples are Coddington Road (County Road) and Danby Road/RT 96B (State Road). However, the Town plows and salts certain roads that are owned by Tompkins County and the State plows and salts all the State roads in the Town. If you have questions about this, please call the Town Highway Department at 273-1656 so we can direct you to the proper entity. County road questions should be referred to Tompkins County Highway Department at 274-0300 and State road questions should be referred to New York State DOT at (607) 756-7072.