Town Boards & Committees
The Ithaca Town Board manages the services the Town provides to its residents, such as maintaining highways, providing sewer and water services, and regulating land use. The Board is comprised of 7 residents of the Town of Ithaca, one of whom also serves as Town Supervisor. The Town Supervisor and Town Board Members are elected to 4-year terms, which are staggered to ensure continuity. The Town Supervisor and each Town Board Member serves in an at-large capacity, meaning that each member is elected to represent the entire Town and not just a geographical portion of the Town.
Working closely with Town staff, the Supervisor and Board Members establish policy and enact laws to ensure the efficient and fiscally responsible delivery of services, to promote the health, safety, and well-being of Town residents and visitors, and to steward our natural resources.
The Town Supervisor and Town Board Members work in committees, with each member serving on 3-4 committees.

Town Board Members
- Rod Howe, Supervisor
- Rich DePaolo, Deputy Supervisor
- Eric Levine
- Pamela Bleiwas
- Rob Rosen
- Margaret Johnson
- Susie Gutenberger
Public Meetings
The Town Board meets twice each month on Monday evenings. Town Board meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30pm for the Business Meeting and the 4th Monday of the month at 4:30pm for the Study Session which focuses on committee reports and specific topics, and any action items that are necessary
These meetings are open to the public. Residents and others who have an interest in the Town are strongly encouraged to attend. A portion of the first Town Board meeting of each month is set aside for public comments about any topic the speaker wishes to address.
Meetings are in the Board Room of Town Hall. Please see the Town Meeting Calendar for the most up to date meeting dates and documents.
For more information on the Town Board, please contact the Town Clerk at | (607) 273-1721.
Town Board Members
Meeting Schedule
The Town Board meets twice each month on Monday evenings, and committees meet at least once each month, either during daytime or evening hours, depending on the availability of committee members. These meetings are open to the public. Residents and others who have an interest in the Town are strongly encouraged to attend. A portion of the first Town Board meeting of each month is set aside for public comments about any topic the speaker wishes to address.
Feedback Welcome
The Town Supervisor and Town Board Members welcome contact from the public. Feedback from our constituents will help us better serve the community.
Board & Committee Rosters
Town Board Committees
- Eric Levine, Chair
- Rod Howe
- Pam Bleiwas
Personnel and Organization
- Pam Bleiwas, Chair
- Margaret Johnson
- Rod Howe
- Rich DePaolo, Chair
- Rod Howe
- Margaret Johnson
Public Works
- Rod Howe, Chair
- Rich DePaolo
- Rob Rosen
Codes and Ordinances
- Rob Rosen, Chair
- Ariel Casper – Planning Board
- Eva Hoffmann – Conservation Board
- Eric Levine
- Susan Gutenberger-Fitzpatrick
- Chris Jung-Zoning Board
Town Board Ad Hoc Committees
Economic Development
- Rod Howe, Chair
- Rich DePaolo
- Pam Bleiwas
Staff Committees
Employee Relations
- Pam Bleiwas, Chair
- Margaret Johnson
- Rod Howe
*Staff representatives are appointed by fellow staff
Records Management
- Bill Goodman
- Rod Howe
- Eric Levine
- John Little
- Paulette Rosa – Facilitator
Citizen Committees
Agriculture Committee
- Rich DePaolo (Town Board Liaison)
- A.J. Teeter Farm (Matthew Stalker, Chair)
- Casper’s Farm (Michael Casper)
- Forest Family Farm (Claire Forest)
- Indian Creek Farm (Steve Cummins)
- Ithaca Equestrian Center (Russ Wedemeyer)
- Laughing Goat Fiber Farm (Lisa Ferguson)
- Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Leon Ginenthal)
- Steep Hollow Farm (Christianne M. White)
Conservation Board
- Lori Brewer, Chair
- Lindsay Dombroskie (associate member)
- James Hamilton
- Eva Hoffmann
- Frank Cantone, Vice Chair
- Michael Roberts
- Ingrid Zabel
Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization
- Margaret Johnson
- Rich DePaolo (Alternate)
Cayuga Medical Center
- Rod Howe
Community Housing Development Fund (CHDF) Program
- Rob Rosen – Town Representative
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC)
- Rod Howe
- Bill Goodman (Alternate)
- C.J. Randall
- Dan Thaete
Ithaca College Community Work Group
- Rich DePaolo
Joint Youth Commission
- Rich DePaolo
- Eric Levine (Alternate)
Two Year Terms 2021 through 2022:
- Christianne White
- Lorraine Moran
- Evelyn Karnes
- Chelsea Benson
Cable Access Oversight Committee (Recommendation to the City Council)
- Rich DePaolo
Recreation Partnership
- Eric Levine
- Pam Bleiwas
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (Bolton Point)
- Rod Howe
- Pam Bleiwas
- E&O – Vacant
- Public Policy – Rod Howe
- Personnel –Vacant
Sewer Joint Committee of the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility
- Bill Goodman
- Rob Rosen
- Rich DePaolo
Tompkins County Council of Governments
- Rod Howe
- Rich DePaolo (alternate)
Tompkins County Municipal Health Consortium
- Judy Drake
- Rod Howe (alternate)
Subcommittee — Joint Committee on Plan Design
- Judy Drake
- Rod Howe (alternate)