Where do property taxes get paid?
November 19, 2021
Town and County taxes are payable to the Town of Ithaca.
In-Person: Town Clerk’s Office, 215 N. Tioga St, corner of N. Tioga and Buffalo Streets. There is a mail slot for your convenience on the Buffalo St. door for after-hours payments.
By-Mail: Receiver of Taxes, 215 N. Tioga St., Ithaca NY 14850Postmark counts – any payment postmarked on or before the due date is considered on-time. Please remember if you are using a bill pay service, they almost always have a delayed mailing date which may not be “on time.”
On-Line: There is a third party administration fee for the various modes of payment. https://nytaxglance.com/tax/year.php
If you choose the 2-installment option, second installments are paid in July to Tompkins County Finance 125 E Court St. https://www2.tompkinscountyny.gov/finance