Wild Strawberry
Wild Strawberry
Fragaria Virginiana
Family: Rosaceae
Native perennial herb
Strawberries are an important medicine that we use in food and ceremony. We see ourselves as a people as being a part of our environment. We are in relationship with it. We looked at the seasons and knew the winters would be hard, but strawberries ripening in the spring triggered a sense of relief. This indicated that the growing season was coming, and we would have plenty of food again. We’ve continued to watch the strawberries over generations and have seen the fruit get smaller. Non-native plants and grasses have been outcompeting native strawberries for generations. My ancestors saw this trend starting over 200 years ago and told us it would continue, and we do see the same trend playing out today. Our ancestors said that one day, when the fruits no longer set on the plant, we would only be able to make the medicine from the leaves.