Dog Licensing
Dogs must be licensed in the municipality in which they live. You have the option of licensing your dog for 1, 2, or 3 years, not to exceed the expiration date of the current rabies certificate. Many people find it helpful to license for the length of the rabies as a reminder that the license is also due when the rabies is due. The cost is $10 for an altered dog, and $20 for an unaltered dog.
If you would like, you can go to our Resident Portal to create an account and submit an online application for the license. You can upload rabies certificates, pay online, and we will send you the license and a dog tag.
Please take the time to look up your physical address and determine where you need to license your dog. Even if you have an “Ithaca” mailing address, you might not reside in “the Town of Ithaca”. We advise you to use our onsite tool to look up your address to find which municipality you live in Where do I Live.
Feel free to call with any questions. You can always come in person, too.