Upcoming & Current Projects
Cornell University Game Farm Road Field Hockey Field – Game Farm Road
Consideration of a SEQR determination for the proposed Cornell Game Farm Road Field Hockey Field project on Game Farm Road, located immediately east of the existing Cornell soccer fields. The proposal involves constructing new field hockey facilities in two phases, with phase one including the conversion of the existing grass practice field into a synthetic turf field along with construction of a new driveway, formalized parking area, pedestrian amenities, and two support facilities (a 1,700 +/- square foot rest room/team room building, and a 480 +/- square foot press box). Phase two involves the construction of a clubhouse for the field hockey team, with locker rooms, meeting rooms, physical therapy rooms, lounge, toilets, showers, and indoor synthetic turf training space. Phase two is projected to be constructed within five years of the athletic field installation. The project also includes new lighting, landscaping, stormwater facilities, and other site improvements. The project is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review. The Planning Board established itself as the Lead Agency in the environmental review of the project at the January 7, 2025, Planning Board meeting. Cornell University, Owner/Applicant; Kimberly Van Leeuwen, Fisher Associates, Applicant/Agent.
Application Material – SEQR Determination (03/18/2025)
Application Material – SEQR Discussion (03/04/2025)
CFCU Community Credit Union Improvements – 1022 Ellis Hollow Road
Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for proposed improvements to the CFCU Community Credit Union, located at 1022 Ellis Hollow Road, in the Community Commercial Zone. The project involves exterior renovations to the bank building façade, removal, and replacement of the existing drive-through canopy with three remote Virtual Teller Machine lanes, and other parking lot site improvements. The project is a Type II Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is not subject to environmental review. CFCU Community Credit Union, Owner; Haley Fardelmann, Adrenaline, Applicant/Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary and Final Subdivision (03/04/2025)
Ithaca College Running Track and Throw Fields – 953 Danby Road
Consideration of Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Ithaca College Running Track and Throw Fields, located at 953 Danby Road, in the Medium Density Residential Zone. The project involves the construction of a running track, installation of new bleachers, two shotput areas, one hammer/discus throw area, a new sidewalk along Grant Egbert Boulevard, and other site modifications. The project is an Unlisted Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review. Ithaca College, Owner; Steve Dayton, Director for Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction at Ithaca College, Applicant; Mabel Gutliph, Clark Companies, Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval & Special Permit (03/04/2025)
Verizon Small Cell Collocation on NYSEG Pole – Ellis Hollow Road
Consideration of Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed collocation of a small cell personal wireless service facility onto an existing Verizon/NYSEG utility pole on Ellis Hollow Road, located across from 1022 Ellis Hollow Road, in the Low Density Residential Zone. The project involves installing one small cell wireless telecommunications antenna, equipment box, and other associated equipment on the existing utility pole. This is an Unlisted Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review. Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems, LLC d/b/a Verizon and NYSEG, Owners; Jared Lusk, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Applicant/Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval & Special Permit (03/04/2025)
Mirabito Energy Products Re-Development – 301 Pine Tree Road
Consideration of Preliminary Site Plan, Special Permit, and Preliminary Subdivision approval for the proposed Mirabito convenience store with gasoline sales and Burger King drive-through restaurant, located at 301 Pine Tree Road. The project involves demolishing the existing 600+/ square foot gas station building and fuel canopy, and the 2,800+/- square foot former Burger King building, and redeveloping the site with a new 6,000+/- square foot building containing a convenience store and restaurant with drive-through; gasoline sales; fuel canopy; electric vehicle charging stations; stormwater facilities; sidewalks/pedestrian amenities; landscaping; and other site improvements. This is an Unlisted Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review. Cornell University, Owner; James Ballantyne, Napierala Consulting, PC, Applicant; Brett Hughes, Mirabito Energy Products, Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary Site Plan, Special Permit, Preliminary Subdivision (02/18/2025)
Personal Wireless Service Facility (Tower) – 111 Wiedmaier Court
Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for a personal wireless service facility located at 111 Wiedmaier Court, off Slaterville Road/NYS Route 79. The proposal involves the construction of a 138′ +/- monopole tower with 9 antennas, two equipment cabinets, a generator, and other equipment within a 50′ x 50′ +/- chain link fenced area. The project is an Unlisted Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the Planning Board issued a negative determination of environmental significance for the project on October 29, 2024. S. Roberts WC Land, LLC, Owner; Verizon Wireless, Applicant; Jared C. Lusk, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary and Final Site Plan & Special Permit (11/19/2024)
Application Material – Preliminary and Final Site Plan & Special Permit (10/29/2024)
Application Material – Preliminary Site Plan & Special Permit (10/01/2024)
Conifer – West Hill Neighborhood Development, Conifer Drive
City and Town residents are invited to attend Conifer’s West Hill Traditional Neighborhood Development sustainability-focused charrette on Friday, November 22nd from 3 PM to 6 PM at Conifer Village (200 Conifer Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850). The project team will host a walking tour, which will convene in the lobby at 3 PM and return to the community room at 4 PM.
A charrette is a collaborative design process that includes public participation to create a concept for a master zoning and development plan (”regulating plan”) for this area. This event will focus on Stormwater Management; Energy Efficiency & Renewables; Sustainable Construction Materials; Natural Resource Preservation; and Smart Growth and Mixed-Use Land Uses.
To stay apprised of upcoming West Hill TND charrette activities, including opportunities for you to get involved and share your ideas, the Town will post project documents – including the developer’s project-specific website – at the Town’s Upcoming & Current Projects webpage.
Contact Town of Ithaca Director of Planning C.J. Randall for more information at cjrandall@townithacany.gov or 607-273-1721 x120.
SouthWorks – The Woods, Danby Road (NYS Route 96B)
Cornell University Maplewood Phase II, Maple Avenue
Application Material – Preliminary Site Plan and Special Permit (01/21/2025)
Application Material – SEQR Determination & Recommendation to Town Board on PDZ (12/17/2024)
Application Material – Recommendation to Town Board on PDZ (10/15/2024)
Application Material – Lead Agency/SEQR Discussion (09/17/2024)
Cornell University Meinig Fieldhouse Indoor Sports and Recreational Facility, Tower Road
Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Meinig Fieldhouse Indoor Sports and Recreational Facility, located at Robison Alumni Fields on Tower Road on the Cornell University central campus. The project involves replacing the Robison Alumni Fields with a 90,000+/- square foot, 56-foot-tall indoor fieldhouse building and a new synthetic outdoor field hockey field along with new sidewalks and pedestrian connections, stormwater facilities, landscaping, lighting, and other site improvements. The majority of the project is located within the City of Ithaca with a small portion in the Town of Ithaca. This is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for which the City of Ithaca Planning and Development Board acting as lead agency issued a negative determination of environmental significance on September 3, 2024. Cornell University, Owner; Kimberly Michaels, TWM, a Fisher Associates Landscape Architecture Studio, Applicant/Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary & Final Site Plan and Special Permit (10/15/2024)
Application Material – SEQR Discussion (07/02/2024)
Application Material – SEQR Discussion (05/21/2024)
Carrowmoor Large-Scale Community Solar Photovoltaic System, 1358 Mecklenburg Road (NYS Route 79)
Consideration of approval of a modification to the Site Plan for the proposed Carrowmoor large-scale community solar photovoltaic system project located at 1358 Mecklenburg Road. The Planning Board granted final site plan approval on November 7, 2023 for a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, solar energy battery storage, new overhead utility poles, an eight-foot-tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. The modification involves moving the medium voltage line so that it runs parallel along the Mecklenburg Road frontage instead of crossing through a farm field on the property. The Planning Board will also consider modifying condition “a” from Resolution No. 2023-03 related to the receipt of an Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Letter. This is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for which the Planning Board issued a negative declaration of environmental significance on September 5, 2023. Rancich Family Limited Partnership, Owner; Nexamp Solar, Applicant; Ryan McCune, Agent.
Application Material – Site Plan Modification (02/20/2024)
Application Material – Final Site Plan (11/07/2023)
Application Material – Preliminary Site Plan (9/05/2023)
Self-Storage Facility, 602 Elmira Road
Consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval for the proposed self-storage facility located at 602 Elmira Road (NYS Route 13) within the Light Industrial Zone and Inlet Valley Center Overlay District. The project involves construction of approximately 24,700 square feet of self-storage in six buildings. The project will be constructed in two phases and consist of indoor climate-controlled storage and mini-storage units along with a small parking area, fence and entrance gate, stormwater management facilities, landscaping, and site lighting. This is an Unlisted Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and is subject to environmental review. Rudra Management, Owner/Applicant; Michael B. Lasell, P.E., LEED AP, MBL Engineering, PLLC, Agent.
Application Material – Preliminary Site Plan (02/20/2024)
Application Material – Sketch Plan (10/17/2023)
Comfort Inn Hotel, 635 Elmira Road
Consideration of Final Site Approval for the proposed Comfort Inn Hotel located at 635 Elmira Road (NYS Route 13) within the Neighborhood Commercial Zone and Inlet Valley Center Overlay District. The proposal involves demolishing the existing structures to allow for the construction of a 3-story, 37,000 +/- square foot hotel. The facility will include 67 hotel rooms, 67 parking spaces, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, landscaping, and other site improvements. The Planning Board granted final site plan approval for this project on March 7, 2017, but the approval expired because construction did not materially commence within 36 months of the approval. This is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for which the Planning Board issued a negative declaration of environmental significance on October 3, 2023. Pratik Ahir, Ramji Hospitality, LLC, Owner/Applicant; Adam M. Fishel, PE, Marathon Engineering, Agent.
Application Material – Sketch Plan
Application Material – Preliminary Site Plan & Special Permit (09/19/2023)
Codes & Ordinances – draft changes to Chapter 234: Subdivision of Land regulations; potential changes to Short Term Rental law associated with Ag and Conservation Zones; potential changes to Zoning Code regarding accessory structures (sheds) in side/front yards
Planning Committee –